Silver Wordsmith: An author's journey |
I feel like I'm getting on a bicycle for the first time in two years, except instead of a bicycle, it's the Weebly interface.
It was a little sad seeing that my last handful of entries on this site were the automated chapters of The Bloodlet Sun already in the queue, a project I had since abandoned. That said, even though I haven't been blogging these last two years, it doesn't mean I've been idle. Far from it. Just over the last year I've managed to write an entire novel from conception to final edit, as well as just about wrapped up editing on that first novel I was writing, which ended up getting leapfrogged, and will now officially become my second novel. With two manuscripts I'm proud of under my belt, it's time to take some earnest steps out into the open world of publication and try to cross into that final frontier. There may be stirrings here and there, though I won't say anything more at the moment, but will catch up here in due time.
Michael SerebriakovMichael is a husband, father of three, lawyer, writer, and looking for that first big leap into publishing. All opinions are author's own. StoriesUrsa Major Categories
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